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Two things

Firstly, I got asked by someone why on a magic blog I wasn't really discussing tricks. I know it seems strange not really to discuss the latest offerings by dealers, but I thought before I do another post I should explain a couple of things. Honestly, I'm really not interested in reviewing stuff. Don't get me wrong if I find something shit or amazing believe me you will hear about it, but I don't want this blog to be about there. There are a thousand blogs out there promising honest reviews on different tricks - in fact every supplier does this.

But what they often don't talk about is what it's actually like to be doing shows day in and out. The difference between working as a pro and doing tricks for your friends. There's a lot of crossover with these but people seem to be more interested in the methods then actually producing a show. I'd hope that people actually find some of the dribble that I ramble on about actually useful, if not then why on earth are you here!

And secondly... secondly... well apparently I've forgotten what I was going to put as my second point. I'm sure it was something poigniant or deep, or just nonsense about Among us or whatever fad game I've been playing recently (PSVR has been my fun thing to do recently). I know I have just said that I'm not a reviewing site, but this has given me an idea... I know I've just spent the last minute or two writing that I don't do magic reviews, but I've just found something I want to talk about magic related which could be a review.

Should I be contradictary and actually review something magic related?

Why the hell not!

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