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My number 1 tip for working on stage shows

I've worked enough theatres and big venues now to know my way around them. In fact when friends put on shows I'm often called or messaged to ask for my advice. So I thought maybe I could share on here probably the biggest tip I can if you are thinking about putting on a show in a theatre.

It's really a 2 parter tip. The main gist of it is "Be nice to your crew". You're probably wondering why I'm saying this? It's really simple really. No matter how good your show is the people who will make it amazing are your technical crew. The lighting designers, stage crew, sound designers are the people who make your show amazing. They are the ones that really make your life simple when you get into a venue.

People forget that you need all the help you can get when you get to a new venue. It's strange walking into a building that you are about to perform in with no idea how the setup is, where the power is, where the dead spots on the stage are - if there's something there that will actually kill you - you know the basics.

These are the guys who will make your life easy when it comes to putting on a stage show so you want to be on their best side. Be friendly, chatty and easy going with them, involve them in conversations and generally treat them with respect. Be open with them and don't ignore them and you'll find that your time in the venue will be so much easier.

It also helps if you are clear and concise with them. The easier you make their job, the better they will be for you.


The second part of the tip is this:

Trust me when it comes with this. Depending on the size of your crew/length of stay at the venue go out and buy a pack of beer. Doesn't have to be expensive but your crew really will appreciate it and it will motivate them to make your gig better. Plus it saves you money from buying it at the bar which would cost you a fortune in a theatre. It costs like £5 but your crew will not only remember you for next time, but will be more than happy to work that little bit extra to help.

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